J Blue

  • J Blue Headshot
  • Madison J Blue Landscape Architecture

For many years, Jacob (who goes by J) felt like a pioneer in ecologically based design. “I wrote papers, and books and co-authored rating systems because I was one of only a handful of licensed landscape architects who really understood ecological systems,” he explains. Today, more landscape architects operate in the sphere of ecology and design. “I focus on what really works based on science and on probable management,” he continues. “The natural environment is so diametrically opposed to the built environment. Finding ways for them to co-occupy spaces is challenging and interesting to me.” J says he’s always been intrigued by “a Jeffersonian type of renaissance individual—someone who is well-educated—and often self-taught—in lots of fields.” Some might say J fits that description pretty well himself: He has lived all over the world, paints and sculpts, tends a hobby farm, and can read ancient Greek.